GAYSWEEK September 25, 1978
216 West 18th Street
New York, New York 10011 (212) 929-7720
NEWS DEPARTMENT: Robert Chesley, Senior Staff Writer; Benjamin Hemric, Research; Brad Mulroy, Research; Phil Carey; Marlene P. Williams REVIEW EDITOR: John Alfred Avant
REVIEW DEPARTMENT: Brian Chin, Disco; Aaron Cohen, Dance; Bruce Michael Gelbert, Opera; Philip Hoffhines, Book Department Head; David William Linger, Restaurants and Food; Richard McGuinness, Movies; Ron Sharkus, Pop Music; Curt Swidler, Classical Music; John Hanley Zaugg, Theater ARTS & LETTERS SUPPLEMENT EDITOR: Byrne Fone CONTRIBUTORS: Rumer Hazzitt, John Paul Hudson, Brandon Judell, David Rothenberg, Sandra Trimble SPECIAL ISSUE COORDINATORS: Bob McLaughlin, Laszlo Sipos
PAGE 5: Rex Narrido-Gardner
COPY CHIEF: Frances Green
COPY EDITORS: Denis Carbonneau, Sammy Staggs PROOFREADER: Harvey Duke
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Study: Anger at Women Main Rape Cause
SAN FRANCISCO, August 31 (ZNS)-A survey of 500 US physicians has found that only three percent believe that sexual release is the cause of rape.
Holtzman House Bill on Nazi Crimes Doesn't Include War Against Gays
NEW YORK, August 15-Persecution of homosexuals has been omitted from Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman's bill to deport Nazi war criminals from the United States, and to deny entry to such persons, according to David Thorstad, spokesperson for the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights.
The bill has passed the House Judiciary Committee without any amendment being included to add "sexual orientation" as one of the grounds for action against war criminals.
When the bill was first submitted more than two years ago, Thorstad, who was at that time president of the Gay Activists Alliance, elicited a promise from Holtzman of Brooklyn's 16th District that she would amend her bill when it came up before the House Immigration Subcommittee to include a reference to crimes against homosexuals in addition to the original categories of race, religion, or national origin.
In response to a recent query, Holtzman indicated, in a letter to Thorstad dated August 4, 1978, that unsuccessful efforts were made to amend the bill to include "sex" and to broaden it to cover any alien engaging in persecution for any reason. But no effort was made to add the words "sexual orientation."
As it now stands, the bill applies to factors based on "race, religion, national origin or political opinion."
According to Holtzman, the changes were rejected, "primarily on the advice of the Justice and State Departments which felt that they would go beyond the substantial body of case law and other precedents now available to guide the administration of the bill. The Departments Carol Greitzer stated that the concept of persecution on the basis of race, religion, national origin
or political opinion is one which has be-
come accepted and understood both in the
United States and throughout the world.
"They noted that virtually identical language already appears in two sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and was a part of both the Displaced Persons Act of 1948 and the Refugee Relief Act of 1953, under which refugees were admitted to this country after World War II. Similar language appears in the United Nation's Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees and in the multilateral agreements which served as the basis for the Nuremberg war crimes prosecutions.'
In her letter, Holtzman also quotes the Justice Department as concluding that any broadened wording would render the law increasingly difficult to administer
and enforce.
"We are disappointed," Thorstad stated, "not only that homosexuals were left out of this bill, but also because a promise made to our community to attempt to amend it was broken.
"The gay community," Thorstad continued, "regards the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany as a subject of the utmost seriousness-especially
today, when voices are being raised in
America urging the same fate. We, after
all, were the first victims of the Nazi pol-
icy of genocide. As early as 1933, thousands of homosexuals were rounded up and herded into concentration camps. "Indeed, the 'final solution' to the Jews was first carried out against homosexuals. Today holocaust curricula are being added to many school study programs, yet any mention of the homosexual holocaust is being left out of them entirely."■
The survey, conducted by a professional NY Man Found Dead
periodical called Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, said 51 percent of the physicians cited anger towards women as the main cause of rape, followed by 19 percent who said they believed rape occurred because of feelings of sexual inadequacy on the part of the rapist. Another 19 percent cited lack of restraint as the cause
of rape.
The magazine reports that 68 percent of the doctors surveyed also believe that women fear rape more than robbery or even murder. ■
NEW YORK, September 11 (UPI)-A self-employed Manhattan art appraiser was found dead in his Upper East Side apartment Monday, his hands and feet bound and a rope around his neck, police reported.
A police spokesperson said the victim, Robert Pfeiffer, of 27 East 67th Street, had been dead about 24 hours.
Pfeiffer's body was discovered by his houseboy in the bedroom of his secondfloor apartment. ■
Greitzer Causes Carter
to Leave NY Org
NEW YORK, September 8-City Council Member Carol Greitzer said today that the White House has informed her that President Jimmy Carter has resigned as honorary chairperson of the New Yorkbased Circumnavigators' Club because of
Pols Denounce
Anti-Gay Measure
SACRAMENTO, August 16 (AP)Several prominent politicans and a gay activist who is walking the length of California denounced Proposition 6, the November ballot measure aimed at firing gay and lesbian teachers, at a rally Tuesday.
"This heinous and outrageous initiative threatens the very structure of due process," Assembly Majority Leader Howard Berman told about 200 persons on a lawn outside the Capitol.
He said attacks on gay and lesbian teachers "could be extended to all other minorities, whether sexual orientation or political views," and threaten to revive the McCarthy era of the 1950s.
It was the first Capitol demonstration related to Proposition 6, an initiative sponsored by state Senator John V. Briggs, that is likely to be one of the most emotional issues on the November 7 ballot.
Under the measure, school boards could fire, or refuse to hire, any teachers, administrators or counselors for publicly engaging in or advocating gay conduct.
Briggs says the measure will let schools dismiss teachers who would be poor role models. Opponents say current laws requiring dismissal for sexual misconduct with children are adequate and also say the initiative could be applied to defenders of gay rights.
"The sexuality of a teacher has nothing to do with how good or bad a teacher they are," says Frank Vel, a Los Angeles writer who left San Ysidro at the Mexican border on his 40th birthday, June 19, for a state-long walk to publicize the No-on-6 campaign. He said he has covered 549 miles and expects to reach the Oregon border on September 13.
Another speaker, Senator Alan Sieroty, said Briggs's measure "preys on people's ignorance, fear and preindice."
the organization's policy of excluding Gay Caucus Advises on
women from membership.
Greitzer called on the President last July to resign, after the City Council unanimously supported a resolution condemning the club's exclusionary policy.
The Manhattan legislator moved when the club-composed of sailors who have circled the globe-refused to offer membership to Naomi James, a British woman who had completed a recordbreaking circumnavigation of the earth solo in 272 days.
Greitzer wrote the President asking that he withdraw as honorary chairperson of "a group with such a blatantly discriminatory policy." The President complied and also asked that his name be removed from the club's letterhead. ■
NGTF Director Will
Registration Rules
LOS ANGELES-Gerry F. Parker II, Chair of the California Democratic Party Gay Caucus, said today that October 9 is the last day California residents can register to vote, if they desire to cast ballots in the November 7 general election.
To be able to register, persons must be citizens of the United States who reside in California and who will be at least 18 years old by election day.
Parker also advises California residents that they should re-register if, since the last election, they have moved, changed their names, or desire to change their political party affiliation. Persons can register or re-register to vote with the assistance of deputy registrars at gay bars and other gay businesses throughout
Speak in S.1437 Forum the state, or at public buildings such as
NEW YORK, September 20-A director of the National Gay Task Force and perhaps another prominent member of the New York gay community have been added to the list of speakers in a "Forum To Stop S.1437: the Reincarnation of S-1," to be held on Tuesday, September 26 at 7:30 pm, at Community Church, 40 E. 35 Street.
S.1437 is the 1978 Criminal Code Reform Act now pending in the United States Senate. It is seen by a number of people as a threat to the civil liberties of many segments of the American citizenry including lesbians and gay men.
The NGTF speaker will talk about Proposition 6, the California referendum issue which will appear on the November ballot. If passed, the jobs of lesbian and gay public-school teachers as well as those of anyone advocating gay rights or a gay lifestyle will be in jeopardy. The NGTF will attempt to show how Proposition 6 is related to S.1437. ■
city halls, libraries, fire stations, shopping centers, supermarkets and the like.
In addition, residents. can register by mail. Postal election registration forms are available at governmental offices, post offices, public utility offices, and gay business establishments. Registrationby-mail forms can be ordered by telephoning local city halls, county registrar-recorded offices, Democratic Party headquarters, or the California Secretary of State.
With Proposition 6 on the November ballot, Parker says it is essential that "every gay person be registered and vote." Proposition 6 would permit the firing of any public school employee who speaks favorably toward private or public homosexual activity.
Persons desiring absentee ballots should ask for absentee ballot information when calling any county registrarrecorder office. Deadline for applying is Tuesday, October 31. Individuals may also apply by mail.